Thursday 26 January 2012

Events of Last Year - 2011

Sports Day - 14th & 15th July

Come on BanniSTARS!!!! 

House Performing Arts
Siobhan McClusky, our wonderful Performing Arts House Captain has been working hard planning and enrolling our stars for the upcoming Performing Arts competition.

This is going to be a fabulous and fun event!  We can't wait to tell you our plans ...but for now we'll 'Let it be' :-)

House Rounders & Softball - 23rd -27th May

The whole of Bannister House got together on Friday 20th May to enjoy a talent show to top them all!  Well done to all those brave BanniSTARS who got up there and entertained us all!  Can't wait to do it again next year!!
A special thanks to the legends Ed Martinez and Ellia Townsend for emceeing for us and making the show run smoothly!  A massive THANK YOU to the wonderful Ms Aspinall for all her expertise and support - you are fabulous!!!!

Our Masters of Ceremonies....Ed Martinez & Ellia Townsend...Thank you guys!

Bannister House's very own 'Bandistar'!!!

Our lovely Miss Cofield...what a voice!

Year 7 Wacky Races - Bannister Wacky Races Champions

Well done to 7B for outstripping the competition to win the Year 7 Wacky Races Competition. Thank you all - You are all amazing!!!!!  

Bannister House Public Speaking Competition - Wednesday 6th April

How proud we were of all our Public Speakers!!!- they all took on really daunting task as it was the first time we have run a competition like this.  They were awesome and we won awards for best Chair and Vote of Thanks.  Well done to Earhart House who won overall.
Bannister House Basketball - Thursday 31st March - Wednesday 6th April

Well done to all who took part in the House Basketball Competition - We played our socks off and won many rounds -overall coming in 2nd place.  Well done to Seacole House for their win.

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