Tuesday 31 May 2011

Have a great half term holiday Bannister House!

Looking forward to seeing you all when we get back to school.

Good Luck to our Year 11 and 6th form students for their GCSE and A-level exams coming up after half term.  We are all thinking of you and sending good vibes. 

Wacky Races

Year 7 Wacky Races - Bannister Wacky Races Champions
Well done to 7B for outstripping the competition to win the Year 7 Wacky Races Competition. Thank you all - You are all amazing!!!!!  

House Softball & Rounders

Well done to all our BanniSTARS who took part in the Rounders and Softball in the last week of term.  The Year 11 and 6th form rounded the week off in style!!

We look forward to the Year 10s competition after half term, which was rained off.  Good Luck!!!!

7B Rounders & Softball stars!


The whole of Bannister House got together on Friday 20th May to enjoy a talent show to top them all!  Well done to all those brave BanniSTARS who got up there and entertained us all!  Can't wait to do it again next year!!
A special thanks to the legends Ed Martinez and Ellia Townsend for emceeing for us and making the show run smoothly!  A massive THANK YOU to the wonderful Ms Aspinall for all her expertise and support - you are fabulous!!!!